iOS 7 Demoed on iPad

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013 By Unknown

Video: iOS 7 Demoed on iPad
Many videos shows a demoed of iOS 7 more on iPhone devices, but a YouTube user on the name of Rozetked uploaded a demo-video of iOS 7 running on iPad.
So what we are expecting? As we seen the video the design, flat, cleaner and simpler design is expecting on iPad same with iPhone devices, but as we've observed it is much better in bigger display of an iPad.

According to the video transcript: Here is iPad with iOS 7 on board, and Rozetked first reviewed even not beta-version of the firmware,but ALPHA-version. It works surprisingly smartly, but has many shortcomings.

Same with the iPhone, the "Slide to Unlock" on the lock screen has gone. And the new design and or interface is expected; then the all new transparent Notification Center on top and Control Center.
Another thing demoed in this video is when you open an iPhone application, the background of the small application is based on the current iPad homescreen; unlike before it was completely black.

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